4 Easy Steps to Hosting A Successful Virtual Event
So, you’re considering taking your event virtual. We get that these are uncertain times, but one thing we are certain about is the ability to still deliver an exceptional experience even virtually. Given the present circumstances, we have a unique opportunity to think outside of the ballroom and innovate. So, let’s pivot together! Our comprehensive online event guide will give you 4 easy steps to host a successful virtual event for your participants time and time again.
Step One: Assessment
Start by assessing your in-person events to determine which components can be replicated virtually. Certain elements will need to be altered to provide the best experience for your attendees and stakeholders. You may be surprised to find that most aspects will translate or even enable you to do things that were not possible before. Hello, virtual happy hours!
Step Two: Find solutions
Now it’s time to explore your options. Lucky for you, we’ve already done the homework. Every event we produce is custom, so no solutions are one-size-fits-all. That being said, we’ve compiled a share-worthy resource of top virtual partners, coupled with our own brilliant ideas to help take your virtual events beyond the cloud — get it?!
We’re happy to share our online event guide with you! Email us.
Step Three: Identify your partners
Above all, we want you to be informed so that you can make the best decisions for your event. This includes which partners you bring to the table. Our hope is that Coterie Spark will be the partner to help you solve this puzzle. Once the pieces are identified, you still need to put it all together. Let us be your solutionists!
solutionist. Noun. (plural solutionists) A solver of problems. One who makes a practice or occupation of solving puzzles.
Step Four: Put it all together
The reality is that the scope of work for an in-person event is not much different than a virtual event. You still need a team to manage your attendees, speakers, sponsors, vendors, and so on. Virtual events still require a budget, timeline, and so forth. Let us help take your event virtual. Of course, if you opt to postpone or reschedule your event, we can help with that too. *wink*