One of the best ways to start manifesting your goals into achievements is to share them with others. That’s why, with 2024 officially here, the Coterie Spark team is giving you a sneak peek into our strategy, ideas, destinations, and goals for the new year. 

Taking off in a big way

The Coterie Spark team already has 70 flights booked for 2024! We’ll be visiting cities we practically call home by now and new places we’re eager to research and explore. One of our favorite mottos is “We Go Where You Go” because we love to elevate our conferences and meetings through new opportunities, experiences, and innovations inspired by the event’s host city. Check out our social media pages to follow our travels throughout the year.

Pooling our collective forces 

During our weekly meetings, we’ve decided to extend our strategy sessions to bring more of the team into the fold to execute our conferences and meetings on a whole new level. In addition to ensuring clients are spending their time and money well, this keeps our work perfectly aligned with why clients set out to host an event in the first place. We’re very excited to further inspire and assist one another in meeting and exceeding client expectations.  

Leading the charge before the call 

We consider everyone on our team to be a leader in their specialty. That’s why when we discuss advancing our leadership in 2024, we’re referring to producing undeniably successful, unique, and innovative events for clients that also influence the conference and meeting planning industry. Through leadership coaching and continuing education opportunities, we also plan to provide the kind of proactive support that keeps clients at ease every step of the way. 

Studying trends and innovations

2024 will be a year of inspiration and discovering the perfect wow factor for conference and meeting attendees. To accomplish this, we’ll be exploring as many conferences as we can… as guests! Firsthand experience with rising trends and innovations is a natural way to find inspiration and ultimately discern which trends are right or wrong for an event despite their popularity. At the same time, we also plan to invite more vendors to present their newest products so we can keep surprising attendees with the best. 

Checking off the stressful to-dos ASAP

Conferences and meetings come with hundreds of moving parts, and we love to lift that load off a client’s shoulders. What we’re most excited about in 2024 is refining that approach to tackle a client’s most stressful to-dos first (when possible). After all, planning an event is only one aspect of a client’s operations, and so we plan to dig deeper during our strategy sessions to give clients the piece of mind they need to focus on the other 99% of their jobs. Leave the rest to us. 😉

Lastly, we’d like to sign off by sharing a little gratitude to everyone who has made Coterie Spark successful. We can’t say enough to thank our vendors, partners, clients, and team for allowing us to continuously challenge ourselves and grow as a company and a team year after year. We wish you all a happy 2024 and look forward to the next adventure we take with you!